movingpandas: Implementation of Trajectory classes and functions built on top of GeoPandas
- class movingpandas.TrajectorySplitter(traj)#
Splitter base class
- __init__(traj)#
Create TrajectoryGeneralizer
- Parameters:
traj (Trajectory or TrajectoryCollection)
- split(**kwargs)#
Split the input Trajectory/TrajectoryCollection.
- Parameters:
kwargs (any type) – Split parameters, differs by splitter
- Returns:
Split trajectories
- Return type:
- class movingpandas.AngleChangeSplitter(traj)#
Split trajectories into subtrajectories whenever there is a specified change in the heading angle.
- Parameters:
min_angle (float) – Minimum angle change
min_speed (float) – Min speed threshold at which points are considered for angle change. (Speed is calculated as CRS units per second, except if the CRS is geographic (e.g. EPSG:4326 WGS84) then speed is calculated in meters per second.)
min_length (numeric) – Desired minimum length of trajectories. Shorter trajectories are discarded. (Length is calculated using CRS units, except if the CRS is geographic (e.g. EPSG:4326 WGS84) then length is calculated in metres.)
>>> mpd.AngleSplitter(traj).split(min_angle=45, min_speed=15)
- class movingpandas.ObservationGapSplitter(traj)#
Split trajectories into subtrajectories whenever there is a gap in the observations.
- Parameters:
gap (datetime.timedelta) – Time gap threshold
min_length (numeric) – Desired minimum length of trajectories. Shorter trajectories are discarded. (Length is calculated using CRS units, except if the CRS is geographic (e.g. EPSG:4326 WGS84) then length is calculated in metres.)
>>> mpd.ObservationGapSplitter(traj).split(gap=timedelta(hours=1))
- class movingpandas.SpeedSplitter(traj)#
Split trajectories if there are no speed measurements above the speed limit for the specified duration.
- Parameters:
speed (float) – Speed limit
duration (datetime.timedelta) – Minimum stop duration
min_length (numeric) – Desired minimum length of trajectories. Shorter trajectories are discarded. (Length is calculated using CRS units, except if the CRS is geographic (e.g. EPSG:4326 WGS84) then length is calculated in metres.)
max_speed (float) – Max speed limit (Speed is calculated as CRS units per second, except if the CRS is geographic (e.g. EPSG:4326 WGS84) then speed is calculated in meters per second.)
>>> mpd.SpeedSplitter(traj).split(speed=10, duration=timedelta(minutes=5))
- class movingpandas.StopSplitter(traj)#
Split trajectories at detected stops. A stop is detected if the movement stays within an area of specified size for at least the specified duration.
- Parameters:
max_diameter (float) – Maximum diameter for stop detection
min_duration (datetime.timedelta) – Minimum stop duration
min_length (numeric) – Desired minimum length of trajectories. Shorter trajectories are discarded. (Length is calculated using CRS units, except if the CRS is geographic (e.g. EPSG:4326 WGS84) then length is calculated in metres.)
>>> mpd.StopSplitter(traj).split(max_diameter=7, min_duration=timedelta(seconds=60))
- class movingpandas.TemporalSplitter(traj)#
Split trajectories into subtrajectories using regular time intervals.
- Parameters:
mode (str) – Split mode. (hour, day, month or year)
min_length (numeric) – Desired minimum length of trajectories. (Shorter trajectories are discarded.)
>>> mpd.TemporalSplitter(traj).split(mode="year")
- class movingpandas.ValueChangeSplitter(traj)#
Split trajectories into subtrajectories whenever there is a change in the specified column values.
- Parameters:
col_name (string) – Name of the col to monitor for changes in consecutive values
min_length (numeric) – Desired minimum length of trajectories. Shorter trajectories are discarded. (Length is calculated using CRS units, except if the CRS is geographic (e.g. EPSG:4326 WGS84) then length is calculated in metres.)
>>> mpd.ValueChangeSplitter(traj).split(col_name='column1')