
TrajectoryCollection.add_speed(overwrite=False, name='speed', units=(None, None, None, None), n_threads=1)#

Add speed column and values to the trajectories.

Speed is calculated as CRS units per second, except if the CRS is geographic (e.g. EPSG:4326 WGS84) then speed is calculated in meters per second.

  • overwrite (bool) – Whether to overwrite existing speed values (default: False)

  • name (str) – Name of the speed column (default: speed)

  • units (tuple(str)) –

    Units in which to calculate speed


    Abbreviation for the distance unit (default: CRS units, or metres if geographic)


    Abbreviation for the time unit (default: seconds)

    For more info, check the list of supported units at

  • n_threads (int) – Number of threads to use for computation (default: 1)